

Zoning Hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Due to the nature of zoning and property inspections, please make meeting appointments with Zoning Inspector, Sherri Meinke, by calling 330.661.7991.


Zoning is the regulation of the use of land and buildings that permit a community to control development. It provides for orderly growth by protecting homes and property from harmful use on neighboring properties. Ohio law provides for the submission of a zoning plan to electors of a township and includes provisions for the adoption, administration, enforcement, and amendment of the zoning plan.

Lafayette Township is a zoned community, with regulations set forth in the Lafayette Township Zoning Resolution. It is the purpose of Zoning to promote public health and safety which is directly and significantly affected by the use of land; to protect the Township’s natural resources, scenic areas, and natural beauty; to protect the property rights of all individuals by assuring the compatibility of uses and practices within established districts and to provide for adequate public services and the orderly development of land in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Township Zoning Resolution. A copy of the official Lafayette Township Zoning Resolution and Zoning Map can be accessed at this site.

**We accept checks made payable to: “Lafayette Township”,  cash or money order.  Applications will not be processed until application fees are paid.

Click on the selected links in order to view 

Lafayette Township Zoning Map

Application for Zoning Variance

Zoning Fees

Zoning Commission

Regular Zoning Commission meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month (legal holidays etc. might change the date) at 6:30 pm at the Lafayette Township Safety Services Building. Special meetings, workshop meetings and public hearings are scheduled as needed and do not necessarily occur on the regular meeting night. All meetings are posted on the home page of this website. Meeting minutes can be accessed by clicking on “Minutes” at the bottom of this page.

Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board of Zoning Appeals considers applications for zoning issues that may involve variances from the Township’s Zoning Resolution. Regular Board of Zoning Appeal meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month if a variance request has been turned in on the last Friday of the prior month. If no variances are turned in they meet as needed. All meetings are posted on the home page of this website. Meeting minutes can be accessed by clicking on “Minutes” at the bottom of this page.


Contact Information

Lafayette Township

6776 Wedgewood Road
Medina, Ohio 44256

(330) 725-6515

Administrative Office

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.


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